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Fitness - hand in hand both nutrition and exercise contribute largely towards much better blood glucose ranges....

What you choose to eat, how much you eat, and when you eat are all important in keeping your blood glucose level in the range that your health care team recommends but add exercise or any form of regular activity and you're onto a winning formula.

This doesn't even have to be in the gym, walking is something that is as easy as breathing and most of all it's free so there are no excuses!

It is simply one of the key elements to controlling diabetes whether you’re type 1, type 2, pre-diabetes it doesn’t matter and it's a fact that exercise makes managing your condition soooo much easier! 

Not only will your life expectancy, happiness, outlook, avoidance of complications increase but you will be a much better person than you think you are, even though you are already strong for fighting every day 👌

Never use Diabetes as an excuse!!









Overcome any negative lazy thought that makes you feel comfortable and I promise you the relaxing after a workout is not only more enjoyable but more importantly, your health was put first and that is something to be proud about 🙌

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